Frog Hunting

July 10, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

With the blessing of Natural Englands Contracts department the opportunity was given to hunt down a later flowering orchid of which the lack of previous knowledge or sightings would be a hinderance. It seemed therefore sensible to meet a guide at the Martin Down carpark to assist in the locating of these more unusual and rarer of the British Wild Orchids.

So with guide in tow, the journey across the downs was begun, as usual, within moments distractions would dominate from the main event. The flittering of Burnet Moths and the outstandingly pretty Dark Green Fritillary were too much of a draw, the camera was immediately brought to action.

With the guides tapping of feet, the mission was soon back on again and paths forged to the alleged site of the holy grail, the Frog Orchid, it was at this point the information started to appear vague, "the Corner" turned into one of 4 options several hundreds of yards apart. Then, as always in these situations, a period of stationary reflection led to the startling discovery of the very plant being only a few feet away.

It's greenness does lend itself to being difficult to spot but with effort and a little skill it becomes easier!

So the main event achieved further examples were sought, to no avail it has to be said and so consolation species were recorded for the collection and promises made of future return visits to photograph more of the wild orchid species the site has to offer.


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